I-ACQUIRE Trial Presentation During IPSO Meeting

Sep 20, 2021

By Warren Lo.

On July 21st, 2021, at the IPSO Virtual Conference, I shared a brief presentation on the I-ACQUIRE Trial, funded by the National Institutes of Health in the US. This is a multi-site trial comparing 2 dosages of a form of intensive pediatric rehabilitation known as “Infant ACQUIRE” (I-ACQUIRE) to usual and customary treatment. The I-ACQUIRE therapy protocol includes all of the core features of pediatric Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT). After my presentation, I learned that a graphic I shared generated some concern.

The concern raised was that this slide (above) presented data from the on-going trial. However, this is not the case; the data shown were derived from prior observational studies. These 27 infants with hemiparesis, ages 7-24 mos., underwent the ACQUIRE constraint induced movement therapy protocol as part of a clinical cohort or an observational research series, not the currently in-progress clinical trial. These data were submitted as preliminary data, evidence of efficacy, for the grant application to support the I-ACQUIRE trial.

I apologize for the confusion and thank the IPSO Virtual Conference organizers for inviting me to present the design and rationale of the I-ACQUIRE clinical trial.  We look forward to discussing the results of the trial at future IPSO meetings, once the trial is complete.


ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01895660

Note from the IPSO Administrative Core:  If you registered for the IPSO Virtual Conference and would like to view Dr. Lo’s presentation, you can do so by accessing the Underline virtual platform through this link. Please login with the username and password you created to access the Underline portal. The content will be available to view until April 2022.

Links to Relevant Scientific Publications:

  • DeLuca, S. C., Echols, K., & Ramey, S. L. (2007). ACQUIREc therapy: A training manual for effective application of pediatric constraint-induced movement therapy. Hillsborough, NC: MindNurture.
  • Taub, E., Ramey, S. L., DeLuca, S., & Echols, K. (2004). Efficacy of constraint-induced movement therapy for children with cerebral palsy with asymmetric motor impairment. Pediatrics, 113, 305–312. PMID: 14754942
Warren Lo, MD

Warren Lo, MD

Nationwide Children's Hospital

Warren Lo, MD, is a pediatric neurologist at The Ohio State University and Nationwide Children’s Hospital. He has been a member of the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS) since 2006.

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