About Us
About Us
Founded in February, 2019, we are an organization of health professionals, scientists and patient advocates who care about stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases in childhood. We developed out of our original collaborative network, the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS), and now aim to broaden the scope of our mission beyond research.


Our Mission

Our Vision

Strategic Priorities
Develop, implement and grow an international multi-disciplinary membership program for health science professionals committed to children with cerebrovascular disease.
Develop and implement a suite of educational programming activities targeting international health science professionals and affected lay public/parents.
Identify, facilitate, and support existing and new collaborative research initiatives.
Develop and launch a pediatric stroke awareness campaign for the lay public with a focus on parents of children <19 years of age
Create an advocacy campaign aimed at preventing stroke in at risk children, and improving the outcomes of pediatric stroke survivors
To operate the society in a financially stable environment
To develop IPSO operational infrastructure policies and procedures, including Board, Committee and Operational structures

Click to learn about Memberships!

Click to learn about our Board of Directors.

Click to learn about the history of IPSO.