IPSO Committees

IPSO Committees

IPSO will send out periodic emails to IPSO members when volunteers for committees are needed.  Members may also contact IPSO to express interest in joining a committee.

Executive Committee

Role: The IPSO officers constitute the IPSO Executive Committee (EC), responsible for carrying out the duties of the full IPSO Board of Directors when it is not in session.  The IPSO EC meets weekly with the IPSO administrative team to oversee the operations of the organization.  The IPSO EC also oversees the work of the other IPSO committees.


President:  Heather Fullerton; San Francisco, United States
Vice-President & Chair, Board of Directors:  Maja Steinlin; Bern, Switzerland
Secretary & Treasurer:  Lori Jordan; Nashville, United States

Expression of Interest

Are you interested in joining a committee?  If so, please Email Us with the following information:

  • Committee(s) you are particularly interested in, in order of preference
  • Your nationality and specialty (we are aiming for diverse representation—international and multidisciplinary)
  • Are you interested in chairing a committee?  Every committee chair automatically becomes a member of the IPSO Steering Committee.
  • Anything special about your background or experience that would be relevant to a particular committee?
Steering Committee

Role: The purpose of the IPSO Steering Committee (SC) is to set the overall direction and priorities of the organization and to create and coordinate the IPSO subcommittees and working groups.  The IPSO SC will be a “Board Committee” as defined in Article V, Section 1, of the IPSO, Inc., Bylaws.  Members of the IPSO SC include the directors of the IPSO Board (including the IPSO officers), the Chairs of the IPSO Committees and Subspecialty Councils, the IPSS Scientific Director, and the IPSO and IPSS Administrative Directors.


Mary Kay Ballasiotes; Patient Advocate; Charlotte, United States
Tim Bernard, MD; Neurology; Aurora, United States
Grégoire Boulouis, MD, PhD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Tours, France
Noma Dlamini, MD, MSc, PhD; Neurology; Toronto, Canada
Christine Fox, MD, MAS; Neurology; San Francisco, United States
Heather Fullerton, MD, MAS; Neurology; San Francisco, United States
Sahar Hassanein, MD; Neurology; Cairo, Egypt
Lori Jordan, MD, PhD; Neurology; Nashville, United States
Adam Kirton, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Neurology; Calgary, Canada
Ilona Kopyta, PhD, MD; Neurology; Katowice, Poland
Manoëlle Kossorotoff, MD; Neurology; Paris, France
Mark Ladendorf; Relationship Management; Boston, United States
Laura Lehman, MD, MPH; Neurology; Boston, United States
Todd Levy, MS, OTR/L, CBIST; Occupational Therapy; Philadelphia, United States
Mark Mackay, PhD; Neurology; Melbourne, Australia
Darren Orbach, MD, PhD; Interventional Neuroradiology; Boston, United States
Manish Parakh, MD; Neurology; Jodhpur, India
Adam Rennie, MB, BS, BMSc, FRCR; Neurointerventional Radiology; London, United Kingdom
Jim Rhodes; Human Resources; St. Louis, United States
Brad Schlaggar, PhD; Neurology; Baltimore, United States
Edward Smith, MD, MBA; Neurosurgery; Boston, United States
Peter Sporns, MD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Basel, Switzerland
Maja Steinlin; MD, Neurology; Bern, Switzerland
Lisa Sun, MD; Neurology; Baltimore, United States
Jenny Wilson, MD, PhD; Neurology; Portland, United States

Communications Committee

Role: Work with IPSO central staff to oversee IPSO communications such as the IPSO blog and twitter feed. Vet content submitted by IPSO members (such as blog posts), generate new ideas for IPSO communication (such as monthly themes for the blog/tweets), and help generate new content as needed.


Chair: Jenny Wilson, MD, PhD; Neurology; Portland, United States (IPSO Literature Review Lead)

Co-chair: Peter Sporns, MD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Basel, Switzerland

Grégoire Boulouis, MD, PhD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Tours, France
Melissa Chung, MD; Neurocritical Care; Columbus, United States (IPSO Literature Review Lead)

Arpita Lakhotia, MD; Neurology; Louisville, United States
Janette Mailo, MD, PhD, FRCPC; Neurocritical Care; Edmonton, Canada (IPSO Literature Review Lead)

Kevin O’Connor, MD; Neurology; Lexington, Kentucky
Bryan Philbrook, MD; Neurology; Atlanta, United States
Mubeen Rafay, MBBS, FCPS, MSc; Neurology; Toronto, Canada
Nidhi Ravishankar, MD; Neurology; Louisville, United States

Education Committee

Role: Identify priorities for educational materials for medical providers and patients/families; work with IPSO central staff and volunteers to create content and establish theme-based working groups as needed (such as stroke rehabilitation or brain vascular malformations). This committee will not address issues related to training & mentorship in pediatric neurovascular disease, but if that’s your area of interest, we can connect you to the IPSS Training Committee.


Chair: Lisa Sun, MD; Neurology; Baltimore, United States (IPSO Webinar Lead)
Co-Chair: Megan Barry, DO; Neurology; Chicago, United States (IPSO Webinar Lead)

Past Chair: Mukta Sharma, MD, MPH; Hematology; Kansas City, United States                                                                                                      Todd Levy, MS, OTR/L, CBIST; Occupational Therapy; Philadelphia, United States

Mary Kay Ballasiotes; Patient Advocate; Charlotte, United States
Fernanda Balut Oyarzun, MD; Neurology; Santiago, Chile (IPSO Webinar Lead)

Shelley Dean, DOT, OTR/L; Occupational Therapy; Charlotte, United States
Lucia Gerstl, MD; Neurology; Munich, Germany
Sahar Hassanein, MD; Neurology; Cairo, Egypt
Rebecca Ichord, MD; Neurology; Philadelphia, United States
Matsanga Leyila Kaseka, MD, MSc, CSCN (EEG); Neurology; Montreal, Canada
Laura Lehman, MD, MPH; Neurology; Boston, United States
Gayatra Mainali, MD; Neurology; Hershey, United States
Tara Mangum, DO; Neurocritical Care; Phoenix, United States
Niyati Mehta, MD; Neurocritical Care; Milwaukee, United States
Nehali Mehta, MD; Trainee; Philadelphia, United States
Kevin O’Connor, MD; Neurology; Lexington, Kentucky
Nidhi Ravishankar, MD; Neurology; Louisville, United States
Jonathan Smith, MD; Neurology; Vancouver, Canada
Ratika Srivastava, MD; Neurology; Calgary, United States
Arastoo Vossough, MD, PhD; Neuroradiology; Philadelphia, United States

Training and Mentorship Committee

Role: In collaboration with IPSS, the purpose of this committee is to offer junior members and trainees the opportunity to be paired with a mentor who can provide guidance on research, career development, fellowship information and more.


Megan Barry, DO; Neurology; Chicago, United States
Lisa Pabst, MD; Neurology; Salt Lake City, United States 
Natalie Ullman, MD, MPH; Neurology; Philadelphia, United States
Lori Jordan, MD, PhD; Neurology; Nashville, United States

Scientific Program Committee (2024 IPSO Congress)


Chair: Noma Dlamini, MD, MSc, PhD; Neurology; Toronto, Canada
Co-Chair: Peter Dirks, MD, PhD, FRCSC; Neurosurgery; Toronto, Canada
Co-Chair: Prakash Muthusami, MBBS, MD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Toronto, Canada

Dana Cummings, MD, PhD; Neurology; Pittsburgh, United States
Sahar Hassanein, MD; Neurology; Cairo, Egypt
Matsanga Leyila Kaseka, MD, MSc, CSCN (EEG); Neurology; Montreal, Canada
Ilona Kopyta, PhD, MD; Neurology; Katowice, Poland
Laura Lehman, MD, MPH; Neurology; Boston, United States
Janette Mailo, MD, PhD, FRCPC; Neurocritical Care; Edmonton, Canada
Elizabeth Mayne, MD, PhD; Neurocritical Care; Palo Alto, United States
Mesha Martinez, MD; Neurointerventional Radiology; Indianapolis, United States
Christine Mrakotsky, PhD; Neuropsychology; Boston, United States
Akshat Pai; MSc-PhD Trainee; Toronto, Canada
Manish Parakh, MD; Neurology; Jodhpur, India
Rachel Pearson, MD; Neurology; Orange, United States
Dipak Ram, MBBS, MRCPCH; Neurology; Manchester, United Kingdom
Ramit Singla, MBBS, MD; Neurology Trainee; Detroit, United States
Anthony Wang, MD; Neurosurgery; Los Angeles, United States

Future IPSO Committees

We plan to launch additional IPSO committees. Please contact us if you are interested in any of the planned committees below, or have an idea for another committee that you think would help advance the IPSO mission.

Ethics Committee

Role: To ensure that IPSO conducts its activities in an ethical way, prevent undue conflicts of interest, and provide advice to the IPSO Board of Directors, IPSO Executive Committee and IPSO Steering Committee regarding engagement with industry, ethical conduct of research, and other ethical concerns. 

Please contact us if you are interested in this committee.

Membership and Outreach Committee

Role: To assure proper membership status, investigate any membership concerns or disputes, and provide recommendations to the IPSO Steering Committee on how to strengthen IPSO membership.

Please contact us if you are interested in this committee.

Nominating Committee

Role: To recommend two nominees for each office position open and assist committees with election process as needed.

Please contact us if you are interested in this committee.

IPSO Working Groups

Click here to visit our IPSO Working Groups page.

IPSS Committees

Click here to visit our IPSS Committees page.

IPSO Membership

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