Front Page: Who We Are
International Pediatric Stroke Organization

IPSO is a non-profit organization of professionals dedicated to pediatric stroke and cerebrovascular disease. We are physicians, surgeons, psychologists, nurses, therapists, scientists and patient advocates.

Ped Stroke Readiness
Pediatric Stroke Readiness
Pediatric Stroke Readiness Video for Pre-Hospital Providers

This video was created to educate pre-hospital providers on pediatric stroke and the importance of recognizing the signs and symptoms so that children with possible stroke can be assessed emergently in the appropriate setting. Please feel free to share this video with the pre-hospital providers in your area.

IPSO Pediatric Stroke Readiness Checklist

This checklist was created as a resource for hospitals on how to be “pediatric stroke ready”. Please feel free to share this with your local hospitals.

Highlighting Webinars
Highlighting Webinars

Check out IPSO's different webinar series by clicking the links below:

2024 Toronto Congress
IPSO 2024 Toronto Congress Recording

Missed our IPSO 2024 Toronto Congress?
IPSO Community
IPSO Community
IPSO launched an IPSO Editorial Board made up of both medical and non-medical members to create an online news periodical called IPSO Kid Stroke Connections. The online periodical will share news about pediatric cerebrovascular disease to the community of affected patients and their families, other caregivers, friends and advocates. In our online periodical, you will find a wide variety of information ranging from patient and family resources to research opportunities.
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Founded in February 2019, we are an organization of health professionals and scientists who care about stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases in childhood.   We developed out of our original collaborative network, the International Pediatric Stroke Study (IPSS), and now aim to broaden the scope of our mission beyond research.

IPSO is bringing together leading investigators and health professionals from around the globe, and from multiple disciplines, with a common interest in childhood cerebrovascular disease. Experts across related fields will collaborate to advance knowledge on mechanisms of childhood stroke and stroke recovery with an eye towards preventing stroke and improving outcomes. IPSO will disseminate knowledge and best practices to first-line medical providers for the wider benefit of children with stroke worldwide. Throughout, IPSO will engage affected families to set priorities and advocate for children at risk for stroke or afflicted by stroke.

IPSO 2024 Toronto Congress Recording

Missed our 2024 Toronto Congress?

Click here to check out a teaser of our 2024 Toronto congress teaser video. Want to see full recordings? Log into your members portal or become an IPSO member here.

IPSO Community Website

We are proud to announce IPSO’s Community Website, which houses IPSO Kid Stroke Connections, an online news periodical. IPSO Kid Stroke Connections shares a wide variety of information ranging from patient and family resources to research opportunities. Starting in May 2023, IPSO Kid Stroke Connections will be published on a quarterly basis on the IPSO Community Website. Sign-up for the IPSO Kid Stroke Connections newsletter to be notified when new content is available online.


IPSO has more than 300 members from an array of disciplines and countries around the globe. We are calling on all clinical, research professionals and patient advocates worldwide who care about childhood stroke and cerebrovascular disease to join us!

Click Here to Join IPSO 

Click Here to Renew Your IPSO Membership

Partner Support

We are extremely grateful for the generous support from the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Foundation (PERF) and from Marc and Lynne Benioff.


Your support will help IPSO achieve its mission:  improving the lives of children across the globe with stroke, or at risk for stroke, through research, education, and advocacy. Click ‘Donate’ below to send donations.


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